Everything we do at Swagtron is about mobility. We’re innovators and market leaders as the #1 brand of electric “e”-rideables. From Hoverboards to e-bikes, skateboards, scooters and more we’re committed to making every experience with our products fun and accessible for all.
The Normal Water molecule has having various sizes of unorganized molecular cluster arrangement, In all living beings smaller sizes of water molecule cluster can easily be absobs by cell membranes while large sizes can’t.
When this water molecule cluster passes through the high intensity of electromagnetic field of our device, the water molecule cluster breaks into many smaller sizes particles and make them flow into well organized way.
Austar HVLS fans are manufactured by Austar Technologies having manufacturing facility at well known industrial city Ahmedabad Gujarat INDIA.
Diamond Rubber Industries
Aqua Prills is an inorganic compound (Mineral) that increases the pH of drinking water or water used in domestic application in a natural way. The pH of water increases from an acidic or neutral state to alkaline state, which results in significant health benefits and aids towards a better quality of life. It hydrates and rejuvenates your body for efficient functioning-that too in non-hazardous, safe and cost effective way.